Being a member of the most prestigious real estate agency industry internationally means raising the standards of quality, professionalism and accountability in business performance within the sector. Thus, GFA Real Estate It exerts its membership since last March. Since GFA Real Estate, We consider that belong to the International Association of Property Professionals (Aiff) It is the best guarantee for our customers.

"We are delighted to be in AIPP”. A) Yes, our customers know that we can offer the highest levels of excellence and safety. For membership, This independent body examines and approves the income as high requirements and fulfill them is a guarantee.

Members who are part of the association voluntarily in accordance with the code of conduct established by the Aiff. This shows them as more transparent and ethical companies, committed and professional, which it generates great confidence in both domestic and foreign clients.

Periodic updates received from AIPP ensure that members are up to date with changes in regulations. further, Commercial standards are backed by National Trading Standards apply UK (Team Real Estate Agency).

Likewise, membership of the association implies adjusted to an alternative dispute resolution provider such as the Ombudsman of the United Kingdom.

Association of International Property Professionals (Aiff)

It is a non-governmental non-profit organization which aims to improve standards of professionalism. Facilitates helps both companies and customers. At present, has more than 370 corporate members in more than 30 countries and includes agents, developers, lawyers, media, financial and other professional services industry.

AIPP offers its support in three different areas: professional credibility; sales promotion and potential customers through marketing advice and knowledge, training and community through periodic newsletters.

AIPP is the organization that supports the Alliance of International Property Owners (CELERY). This alliance provides support to buyers and the more than 1,5 million British owners of foreign ownership. AIPP is also a Trustee of the IESC – International Ethics & Standards Coalition and supports AIPO members of the Alliance of Tourism.

Selling prices, rent or transfer published on this website do not include any spending or tax. The information provided has been prepared with high stringency, However, the details are purely informational and not binding